
Clarissa Fells Smith has been on the frontlines of care for families for decades. She was exposed early to caregiving as a child by her own parents, grandparents, and neighbors which fostered her love and concern for people. Thus, Caregiving International was born in 2007 out of her desire to make a difference and calling to advocate against the abuse and neglect of elders. She understands her objective is to keep elders at home as long as possible while supporting and providing resources for the family caregivers. 40 years of Her academic, clinical, as well as authorship as a licensed occupational therapist in the field of geriatric rehabilitation prepared and propelled her for this great mission that will impact families for generations. She holds several academic degrees, certifications, awards, and a certified aging in place (CAPS), and Senior home safety specialist credentials. Transforming the lives of family caregivers is her vision that includes making homes safe for caregiving families, the disabled, for children with special needs and older adults. Caregiving International will modify homes, build ramps, widen doors, install grab bars, and assist with necessary equipment for home safety and navigation. A focal point of caregiving international will be The School of Family Caregiving, which will educate caregivers and teach family members how to take care of themselves while caring for others. Caregiving international is a organizing community of volunteers providing resources and ongoing support for families in need. We collaborate with businesses, churches, and corporations to help fulfill the needs of caregiving families throughout the world.

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Our mission

Caregiving International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization designed to help older people and the disabled remain in their homes or age in place. Our mission is to provide resources, education, and support for families who care for elders in crisis by solving problems of unsafe housing, providing necessary ramps, home modifications, widening door widths, installing grab bars, and ensuring safe aging equipment. We are fighting elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, poor care, ageism, and ensure the protection of a fast and growing aging population. No caregiving family should be left behind to carry these burdens all alone.