Thanks to the continuous donations from people like you, Caregiving International has had thousand of students and family caregivers participate in educational training programs and have raised an awareness against elder abuse, neglect, and crimes that take advantage of the vulnerable.
Because of your donation, we are forging ahead to change the world's perception of growing older especially in America.
About The Caregiving International Care Oath
Join the thousands of people who have already taken the Care Oath to protect elders and children from abuse. We promise to continue to educate everyone around us at home, school, and communities to care for older adults.
We thank you for your gift of any amount to help Caregiving International educate families, schools, and communities accomplish the mission to prevent abuse, neglect, and explotitation of our elders. This is achieved by learning our curriculum, educatioing family caregivers, and promoting care that prevents abuse, neglect, and explotiton of our elders.
Thanks to support like yours, we are keeping our Oath of Care to protect our older adults at home, while helping them to age in place safely. Since we started our C.A.R. E. program for our communities, we have been able to affect change through education and awareness in our churches, businesses, schools, and other organizations.
By having your ongoing monthly support we are able to do the following:
* Prevent unnecessary family abuse and neglect which places our elders at risk for premature institulization.
* Reduce falling, physical abuse, and other at risk behaviors against our older adults. We understand that family caregiver also are abused in the midst of family conflict situations.
* We have helped thousands of families understand what it takes to age in place safely and without fear of scams and mistreatment.
We are honored to be able to serve our communities and reach a younger generation who will lead in the fight to help care for our older adults. The work is just beginning. Please consider giving on a monthly basis. Your tax deductible donation will help us save the lives of our older adults and foster younger generations to lead for the future.
Caregiving International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization designed to help older people and the disabled remain in their homes or age in place. Our mission is to provide resources, education, and support for families who care for elders in crisis by solving problems of unsafe housing, providing necessary ramps, home modifications, widening door widths, installing grab bars, and ensuring safe aging equipment. We are fighting elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, poor care, ageism, and ensure the protection of a fast and growing aging population. No caregiving family should be left behind to carry these burdens all alone.